When I went back to work two months ago, I decided to start cycling. The weather had gotten warmer (although now it's downright hot!) and after cycling in London, I figured it couldn't be all that different.
And it wasn't...except for one small thing. My ride to work is a whirlwind of strange sights. There are a lot of very strange things that go on on the streets of Shanghai. As as I weave in and out of the slow-moving cars, electric bikes and bicycle-cart things (i'll have to post a picture sometime so that makes sense), I get a front-row seat for some particularly strange moments. So here are the first of my favourite moments, and you can look forward to more.
1. On my way to work, I was cycling past our local market, about a 1/2 block from the apartment. Coming towards me in the wrong direction in the bike lane was a very typical chinese bicycle. A simple city bike with long curved handlebars, standard except for the dozen or so full-feathered chickens hanging by their ankles from the length of the handlebars.
2. Abi and I were walking along our road (Jianguo Lu) and I noticed a woman in her twenties cycling quite hard and moving very slowly past us. She was on a very nice new light-pink fold-up bike. And unfortunately, in spite of the hard work she was putting into her pedalling, she was having a real problem getting up any speed...due to the matching set of training wheels on her bike.
3. 'Chinglish' Classic of the week. A woman walking down the street with a shirt showing the phrase 'Reble Yehl'. Yeehaw...!